As the Summer Holidays begin, enter this FREE COMPETITION for a chance to win a copy of
The Improbable Adventures of Dexter Duckworth!
Open to all children aged up to 11 years.
All you have to do is create a piece of artwork based on your idea of a creature that lives in Goblin Earth, take a photograph of it and get a parent to email it to me.
Entries will be judged by an independent panel and artwork will be anonymised. They’ll be looking for imagination and presentation.
Prizes will be awarded to the winning artwork in three categories based on age: 0 – 4, 5 – 8, 9 – 11.
All entries will be displayed on my website (with permission).
Competition Rules
- The artist must be aged 11 years or below.
- Artwork may be any medium.
- Artwork must be the artist’s own.
- Work should be photographed and sent by a parent or carer as an attachment in an email to
- Please include in the email:
- Artist’s name or nickname
- Artist’s age in years
- Parental permission in the form of a statement: “I give permission for my child’s name and artwork to be posted on the website of J A Bowler”.
- A photograph or scan of the artwork!
- For GDPR purposes, no other details apart from a first name or nickname and the picture of the artwork will be posted.
- Judgement of winners is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
- The competition is open now and closes on 20th August 2020.
- Winners will be contacted by email and announced on this website on 21st August.
- Prizes will be sent directly to the winners.
Have fun and I very much look forward to seeing your pictures!